
Promoting Reading Comprehension Skills of EFL University Level Students Using Autonomous Learning Activities // GP // Dr. Ebtihal Abdel Aziz Ahmed Helal (2017 - 2018)

Yara Hussein Mohamed-152739

Promoting Reading Comprehension Skills of EFL University Level Students Using Autonomous Learning Activities // GP // Dr. Ebtihal Abdel Aziz Ahmed Helal (2017 - 2018) - GIZA MSA 2018 - 30 cm - LANGUAGES DISTINGUISHED PROJECTS 2018 .

The aim of this research was to identify the types of autonomous reading activities that
Egyptian EFL university level students can use to be able to promote their reading
comprehension skills. It also attempted to discover the challenges that these students
face while reading EFL texts, and recommend some useful activities to promote the
learners’ ability to read independently. The questions of the research were “What are the
main obstacles that face EFL university level students in reading comprehension
activities?” and “What are the most effective autonomous learning activities that can
promote reading comprehension skills among EFL university students?” It was
hypothesized that (a) “Low motivation and low EFL proficiency level are the main
obstacles that face EFL university level students in reading comprehension.” and (b)
“Writing self-reports and diaries are the most effective autonomous learning activities
that can promote reading comprehension skills among EFL university students”. As the
research was targeting EFL university level students, a random sample of forty students
was selected from both Ain Shams and MSA universities. The means of the research was
a questionnaire that consisted of six multiple response questions. The respondents were
asked to answer the questions according to their own perceptions and points of view.
Analysis of the questionnaire results revealed that both hypotheses were refuted. Based
on the study findings, it was recommended to encourage EFL learners to practice
autonomous reading activities to foster their reading comprehension skills هدفت هذه الدراسة إلي التعرف علي أنواع أنشطة التعلم الذاتي التي قد تسهم في تدعيم مهارات الفهم القرائي لدي الطلاب اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة
أجنبية المصريين في المرحلة الجامعية و تكونت عينة الدراسة من أربعين طالبأً مقسمين بالتساوي بين جامعتي أكتوبر للعلوم الحديثة و الآداب و
عين شمس و تمثلت أداة الدراسة في إستبانة صممتها و طبقتها الباحثة على عينة البحث وقد أوصت هذة الدراسة- بناء علي نتائجها- بتشجيع طلاب
اللغة الإنجليزية في المرحلة الجامعية علي ممارسة أنشطة التعلم الذاتي لتدعيم مهارات الفهم القرائي لديهم

Promoting Reading--Skills of EF