
Comparative study between commercial and Nanofertilizers on Moringa Oleifera plant chemical constituents // GP // Dr. Reham Mohsen // Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab (2017)

Yara Mohamed Hassan Shamandy 153799

Comparative study between commercial and Nanofertilizers on Moringa Oleifera plant chemical constituents // GP // Dr. Reham Mohsen // Dr. Mohamed Abdel Wahab (2017) دراسة مقارنة بين تأثير األسمدة التجارية و النانوية على المكونات الكيميائية النباتية في Oleifera Moringa - Giza MSA 2017 - 67 P. 30 CM. - BIOTECHNOLOGY DISTINGUISHED PROJECTS 2017 .


Since Moringa (Moringa oleifera) tree is called the miracle tree
due to the many benefits and various applications, The
present study was done to explore the effect of mixed
synthesis nano elements symbolized in Manganese (Mn),
Iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) against commercial mixed fertilizers; Nitrogen (N),
Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) as control on Moringa plant growing in clay soil
at faculty of agriculture Cairo University. Results of the experiment exposed that,
appliance of nano fertilizers as (Mn Fe, and Zn) significantly improved all
morphological traits as (branch height, leaf area, number of leaves, branch girth,
leaves fresh and dry weight) additionally to macro and micro elements represented
in (N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu), also chemical ingredients as (total
chlorophyll, total carbohydrate, total phenolic, total flavonoids, thiamine, tannins
and ascorbic acid). Our results draw attention to the meaning of protection our
environment from overload use and addition of chemical fertilizers. Further
developments in using such safety nano nutrients in this sector could have largescale
economic implications and multiple benefits for consumers, producers,
farmers, and the ecosystem,

--Agriculutural Biotechnology

Biotechnology--Moringa Oleifera plant--chemical constituents--Nanofertilizers