Ismail Amr Mohamed Niazy 153765

Events website for Selling tickets online // GP // Dr. Adel Ghanam // T.A. Eman // T.A. Sara (2018 - 2019) - Giza : MSA, 2019 - 88 P. - MANAGEMENT DISTINGUISHED PROJECTS 2018 .


A website for events announcing and selling ticketsonline, that help people to
reserve and buy ticket for their favor events, this system will help to manage and
organize the events reservation easily. It allows user to choose their interests from
a list of categories like music , reading ,sports ,art , after the user choose his
interest the website will send to them notification for upcoming event that he is
interested in .For example, people who is interested in music the website will send
to them that there is a music concert the next week and user can buy the tickets
online , it’s a planning and follow up system, Also the user can create his own
event.The website build the technology to allow anyone to create, share, find
and attend new things to do that fuel their passions and enrich their lives.

Selling --Egypt--Online
Management Information System
